Heart Behind the Art

The seed of “Love, Lady Lamshed” was planted back in 2016, when, out of my own self rediscovery, turmoil and healing - I became unafraid again to try something new - at that time it was hand-lettering.
It began with a love, or really an obsession, with writing out scripture or words of faith in a beautifully aesthetic way to display in my own home. I'm a words girl, big time. So it was really important to me to have the words of God in my sight throughout my home. In the years following my discovery of love for this art form, I found great joy in making items for family or friends either as an unexpected gift or upon request. It became an expression of love in a lot of ways, and that expression is now, all these years later, extending outward; from my home to your home, my heart to your heart. 
I pray that the products that have been launched, and continue to be launched, help keep God and His word ever before your eyes and in your heart. May they bless you, and may they be a blessing to those you gift them to.
With love,